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Supported Tungland Alternative Residence Services (STARS) provide a family setting through "Host Homes" where community individuals open their home to an adult or child with developmental disabilities.

The community member becomes an independent contract, "hosting" the individual(s) in their home and as such is responsible for the overall care and well-being while receiving compensation.

STAR Licensing Coordinators monitor the STARS home for health, safety and to ensure individual needs are appropriately met.
  • STARS Children Developmental Home (CDH) is for children under the age of 18.
  • STARS Adult Developmental Home (ADH) is for adults age 18 and up.
If you are interested in sharing your love, time and home you have the potential to become a STARS independent contractor.

To learn more about STARS and other residential services, fill out a services request form or contact a TTC representative nearest you.
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